Spiti Valley, which is a jade in among the far-flung areas of Himachal Pradesh, India becomes a treasure trove that waits for wanderers and nature aficionados to discover it. The supernatural terrain, ancient monasteries, and jaw-dropping scenes of the Himalayan range only fit Spiti Valley to be the dream destination of those who crave immersive solitude and embracement by nature at its best. This journey will take us along a four-road trip that provides us with the true experience of what Spiti Valley has to offer.

Spiti nestles atop the precocious Himalayas and attracts visitors from undisclosed places because of the hush-hush it holds. The fact that it is freaking out of town is one of the most idiosyncratic features that make it a byword for those who decide to get away from civilization for a while. When wanderers step onto the wild landscapes, all of a sudden majestic monasteries planted on the rocky outcrops appear, and one can be taken back in time to see what this place represented in the lives of the entire community.


The expedition to the Spiti Valley reveals an exquisite mural of a successive view elaborating every single landscape more indefinable and better as the line moves forward. Resembling neither the lush valleys nor the starkly bare expanses, the landscape of Spiti Valley is as unique and bewitching as it is. Be it the long winding road you choose to reach Spiti Valley, the path you take stains your memory but the moments spent on the journey are the ones which you cherish the most.

It doesn't matter which route one chooses - Leh via Manali, touring the Shimla-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali circuit, or enduring the winter chill to listen to the silence of cliffed mountains' frozen splendor - all these rides guarantee a different, breath-taking experience. Spiti Valley is not only a destination but also about approached pilgrimage for those who seek to communicate with and of self and with nature.

Spiti Valley via Manali: A beautiful place to stop and appreciate the surreal nature of the mountains.

Spiti Valley, shut in the furthest quarters of Himachal Pradesh state, draws people interested in exploring and falling in love with nature. Visiting this tranquil spot can be done by traveling over Manali which, itself, is a well-known town in the Himalayas that boasts spectacular nature. From Manali to Spiti Valley the trip is a wondrous experience provided one is gifted with the opportunity of getting a view of the majestic landscapes in this region.

From Manali, the travelers continue their journey which smoothly takes the enthusiasts through green valleys, high-top mountains, and the crystal clear water of the rivers. The path, as you proceed, also passes through many high mountains, with the famous Rorang Pass being one of the most memorable moments of the entire path. At Rohtang Pass, the travelers are sent against the view of snow-capped peak rich cucumbers captivating sight.

So people go through the uneven mountainous paths and they from time to time, see tiny villages and hamlets that emerge at the foot of mountains. These packs of settlers memorize the place as their shelter, and from both known and unknown, there is a feeling of familiarity as they draw the memory of their home. When visiting Spiti Valley, people receive a kind of culture beauty arising from their connection with the local people and their traditions.

The fact that the only way to reach Spiti Valley via Manali stays open only during the summer months, May to October typically, is inevitable to take note of. During these months, the iconic roads remain free of snow, which can be challenging during the winter. Even though the passes are easily passable during the warmer months, the snowfall of a heavy winter tends to reach proportions which renders the passes unpassable. Due to this, the road to Spiti Valley becomes closed for winter months, as well, increasing the "special" and exceptional feeling of being here.

Shimla-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali: Renaissance through Ecstasy of the Unspoiled Nature

The Spiti Shimla-Chandratal-Manali route is a tricky and hidden, but fairly accessible as well as interesting way to the Spiti Valley, which has some of the purest and most isolated landscapes this region ever has to offer. The journey groups from colonial-vintage Shimla hill station and feast upon the way to dense woods, meandering rivers, and fascinating mountainous villages while the travelers descend to the enigmatic Spiti Valley.

On our way here, we passed principal natural attractions, but the one that takes my breath away by its beauty is Chandratal Lake at an altitude of about 4300 masl. It is also named Moon Lake. Highly rural vista, Chandratal becomes a player field for nature lovers and photographers. The magnificent aquamarine of its perfectly sparkling surface duplicates the blue above, carrying an out-of-this-world impression of the surroundings. The lake is the perfect place for people to take a pause and enjoy quiet serenity at the shores, admiring the scenic view of the mighty snow-covered mounts right across the panorama.

Further on the route, the leading way ferries you from Chandratal to the virginity of the Lahaul Valley, the sight that never ceases to amaze unfurls at every turn. Treaders constantly cross over huge mountain passes, which also include Kunzum Pass; an amazing sight lays in wait at every single step of elevation gain over the pass. The air acquires a thin crisp, and the entire scene changes to a strange mysterious landscape, attracting thrill seekers with its magnetized charisma.

The circuit from Shimla-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali in fact, is so much more than a mere pathway to Spiti Valley. Consequently, this seemingly unconscious pathway turns out to be a spiritual journey through the enchantingly beautiful environs of the Himalayas. From the first curve to the last through the road, this marathon reveals a new and more exciting chapter to hikers, which is the untamed grandeur of nature that thrusts them into a trance. Step on to this expedition, at the cusps of time-old charm of Spiti Valley and contiguous landscapes.

Winter Spiti Valley Tour: Luckily, learning here has grown extremely interesting to the learners.

Spiti possesses the power to live up to the enchantment of summer months, but its transformative ability from a snowbound paradise in the winter adds an extra glow to its unique appearance. As the air freezes from November through February, the valley portrays a magnificent picture to the ‘receiver eyes’ of a pair of snowy clouds wrapped around its rough surface. Spiti in the winter undoubtedly paints a picture of some breathtaking landscapes and despite the falling temperatures, the area can be masked in the most beautiful hues of nature.

Diving into an off-season Spiti Valley trip leaves you with a perfect getaway from the overwhelming bunch of people that swarm the locality during the on-season. A serene setting, complementing the picturesque frosted willows, is fantastically captured and seems like a magical world. The ice-sculpted riverbanks of frozen water dust the landscapes with the most beautiful natural functions causing a sense of joy and awe.

Those who are super excited to explore nature in the winter season are in for the real thrill during their journey to Spiti Valley. Glittering peaks and valleys are marvelous places for such winter activities as ice trekking, snowboarding, or even sledding. Covered by infinite white, non-trampled snow, the valley is a perfect oasis for extreme visitors who are equally creative as nature.

On the other hand, it must be noted that the most ideal time for traveling to Spiti Valley in its winters is during the winter months after proper planning and preparation have been made. Tremendous cold weather, often freezing to dangerous limits, requires special equipment, warm clothes, and personal provisions. This is a matter of life and death. Among these consequences, snowfall that heavily falls causes the closure of the roads as well as impassable routes which make it very important to be well-informed or updated about the weather and road conditions currently.

Such that, Spiti Valley during the winter opens new perspectives to the hidden part of this mysterious mountain chain which is impressive and will defy you to come again and again. As they visit a winter scene of white-accented shores, visitors will have the opportunity to experience the enchantment of the rhyme and rhythm that will be etched forever in their hearts.


Not only does Spiti Valley mesmerize each one who gets close, but it also wears the same stars on its crown. The beauty of Spiti lies in the diversity of trails; it is not a single trail, but many trails that run through its rugged mountains like Manali and the Manali-Spiti-Chandratal-Manali circuit, which mesmerize travelers with their scenic beauty. The Gods themselves have created the trails of Spiti so that the seekers can attune their spirits to nature.

Right from the time you step into this Himalayan sacred space, you feel a whirl of emotions and imagine a beauty that is beyond one can believe. On each choice, you will find tranquility and seclusion, inspirational monks from ages past, charming villages, and views that leave your jaw gaping.

Being with nature offers you the chance to do adventures, for example, climbing its valleys or skiing down its slopes. Lose yourself in the whiteness and containment of its expanses or seek peace in its quietude and give yourself up to its monastic solitude.